3 simple ways to use JIWA to improve your cash flow management


If you're trying to improve your personal financial position, one of the most popular tactics is tracking your spending. You carefully monitor each dollar that comes in and out of your account and pay attention to what you're spending your money on.  [...]

3 simple ways to use JIWA to improve your cash flow management2021-04-29T05:13:55+00:00

How to use your data to expand your small business


It’s no secret that data is the driving force behind business. It can tell you when there’s a good opportunity to upsell, when to improve customer service, or when a customer is at risk of not meeting their payments. It can tell you when to take that [...]

How to use your data to expand your small business2021-04-29T05:07:42+00:00

Turning digital transformation from burden to benefit


It’s safe to say that digital transformation has been a major buzzword over the last 12 months. It sounds complex, but the premise is quite simple: using technology to automate processes and deliver better information. The process doesn’t disappear;  [...]

Turning digital transformation from burden to benefit2021-04-29T05:04:20+00:00

3 JIWA optimisation mistakes (and how to avoid them)


Making mistakes is part of life and business and can often lead us to make better decisions and smarter moves in the future. But some mistakes are costly, frustrating, and better off avoided - like those that often happen during ERP optimisation.  ER [...]

3 JIWA optimisation mistakes (and how to avoid them)2021-04-29T05:20:09+00:00

Why how you optimise your JIWA software could be more important than the software itself


Onboarding a whole new business software like JIWA was a big decision. Particularly for smaller businesses, who likely made the big investment in hopes it will boost their capabilities, operations and – ultimately – profits.  A lot of research would [...]

Why how you optimise your JIWA software could be more important than the software itself2021-04-29T04:57:22+00:00
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