With rising interest rates, global conflicts, and fluctuations in currency values, today’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are grappling with a new set of challenges.

Many businesses, especially those in the service and retail sectors, find themselves in a “wait-and-see” mode, debating where and how to invest their resources. With so many pressures, they’re pulling back on unnecessary spending – and things they deem as less necessary, like marketing.

However, this often results in neglecting one of the most important parts of long-term success: customer experience. And in turn, it could be hurting their business.

The cost of neglecting customer experience

Forrester’s 2024 Customer Experience Index (CX Index) reported a drop in customer experience (CX) quality across the majority of Australian brands and agencies analysed in the study.

Another report from CPM shows Australians are losing patience with bad customer service. 37% stopped buying from a company after just one bad experience last year.

When customers don’t feel valued or engaged, they’re more likely to seek out alternatives. This is particularly true in the current market, where customer loyalty is fragile.

Customers don’t want to engage with you if you’re not finding out what their pain is or how to improve their experiences. This disconnect can lead to missed opportunities and even customer attrition as competitors step in to fill the gap.

One commonality of businesses struggling with customer retention is that they haven’t invested in automation. Without automation, SMEs may find it challenging to maintain consistent communication, manage customer data effectively, and deliver timely, relevant information.

Leveraging automation to enhance customer experience

Maximising automation delivered through your Jiwa platform can enhance the customer experience by handling routine tasks and streamlining processes without requiring constant human intervention. This allows you to deliver consistent, high-quality service automatically, ensuring that every customer interaction is smooth, timely, and accurate. 

Without making the most of automation capabilities, businesses are limited by their human capital. Your people need to do the fundamental tasks as well as the nice-to-do tasks. 

Jiwa alleviates this burden by handling repetitive, time-consuming jobs, allowing critical processes to run efficiently on their own. This ensures that even with less human input, the customer experience remains seamless and satisfying, with automated systems providing the personalised service that customers have come to expect. 

Automation in action

Automation gives SMEs a powerful toolset to boost customer experience by making operations smoother and personalising interactions. Here are a few ways you can use Jiwa to boost your CX: 

  1. Automated communication: Maintain consistent communication with customers without overwhelming them. For example, let them know when a new offer or product is becoming available. This kind of targeted communication keeps customers informed and engaged without requiring additional effort from staff. 
  2. Efficient order management: Automating order processing and invoicing can help guarantee both accuracy and timeliness. Reduce the risk of human error and ensure that customers receive their products and services as expected. 
  3. Customised offers: Tailor promotions and offers based on a customer’s purchasing history. When a customer buys a product, automation can help you suggest related products, enhancing the likelihood of repeat sales. This personalised approach makes customers feel valued and understood. 
  4. Cross-promotion opportunities: Facilitate cross-promotions, even with products or services outside your own offerings. This approach adds value for customers and strengthens relationships by showing a broader commitment to meeting their needs. 

However, automation is only as effective as the system that powers it.  

While automation can greatly improve efficiency, it’s important to have a reliable and proven system in place. Jiwa is one of the most tried and tested systems available.  

Improve your CX with Jiwa and Attkey

Investing in automation is a win-win for SMEs. It helps you deliver better customer experiences, keeps clients coming back, and makes room for your team to work on bigger goals. With the right tools, you’ll be in a position to thrive, even in a challenging market. 

For SMEs looking to harness the power of automation, Jiwa offers a robust, reliable solution that helps businesses streamline operations and improve customer satisfaction.  

For more information about Jiwa 7 and for help integrating and tailoring automation your business needs, you can join our Support Club or contact our team.